The Baganda, Uganda’s Royal Kingdom
The 5.5 million Baganda are a Bantu-speaking people (singular Muganda; often referred to simply by the root word and adjective, Ganda) who make up the largest Ugandan ethnic group, representing approximately 20% of Uganda’s total 28 million population. They occupy the central part of Uganda which was formerly called the Buganda province.
Buganda, which means ‘bundles,’ is their
subnational kingdom, the largest of the traditional kingdoms in
present-day Uganda, spread out in the modern districts of Kampala,
Mpigi, Mukono, Masaka, Kalangala, Kiboga, Rakai, Sembabule and Mubende.
Their language is referred to as Luganda
and they refer to their customs as Kiganda customs. Sometimes the
generic term Ganda is used for all the above. Buganda is home to the
nation’s political and commercial capital, Kampala; as well as the
country’s main international airport, Entebbe.
‘Uganda’ (a Kiswahili word for ‘Land of the
Ganda’) was the name used by the Arab and Swahili traders on the East
African coast to refer to the Kingdom of Buganda.
Uganda itself is a stunning country, lush and evergreen, and its temperate climate makes it a haven on earth. On a visit to the country in the 1940s, the late Winston Churchill was so captivated by its beauty that he called it the “Pearl of Africa”, a moniker that has stuck over the years.
Rubaga-hill in Kampala back in 1840′s was the capital of the Kingdom of Buganda. The name Kampala derives from an expression used by the Baganda known as “Kasozi Kampala” meaning “The Hill of the Impala” refering to the the Impala (slender antelope, similar to the gazelle) which was always seen on the Mengo hill (one of Kampala city’s seven hills) which has acted as the palace headquarters for the Buganda Kingdom since the early 1840s.
The Kingdom’s history of over 700 years,
has had the Kabaka, as the supreme ruler and the Lukiiko as its
Parliament. Buganda Kingdom is the oldest Kingdom in the country. Other
kingdoms include Bunyoro, Busoga, and Tooro
The Baganda had a centralised system of
government which by 1750 was the most well organised in the
interlacustrine region. The head of the state was the king known as
Kabaka. Previously the Bataka had a lot of political influence. They
enjoyed a position almost similar to that of Kabaka.
However after 175O, the Kabaka assumed a position of political
importance far superior to the ranks of the Bataka. The Kabaka’s
position was hereditary but it was not confined to any one clan because
the king would take the clan of his mother. The Kabaka used to marry
from as many clans as possible and this encouraged loyalty to the throne
in the sense that each of the fifty-two clans hoped that it would one
day produce the king.
The other persons who occupied positions of
political and social importance were: the Prime Minister known as the
Katikkiro, the Mugema, the royal sister known as Nalinya, the Queen
mother known as Namasole and the Naval and Army commanders referred to
as Gabunga and Mujasi respectively.
The kingdom was divided into administrative units known as Amasaza
(counties) which were further sub-divided into Amagombolola
(sub-counties), and these were sub-divided into parishes called Emiruka
which were subdivided into sub-parishes. The smallest unit was known as
Bukungu which was more or less a village unit. All the chiefs at all
levels were appointed by the Kabaka and they were directly responsible
to him. He could appoint or dismiss any chief at will. After 1750,
chieftainship was no longer hereditary. Chieftainship was accorded on
clan basis but only to men of merit and distinguished service.The Kabaka was a unifying factor of all the people of Buganda until 1966 when monarchy was abolished in Uganda. The Kabaka (Mutesa II) went into exile where he later died in 1969.
The subsequent years of political turmoil and civil strife in Uganda, and particularly in the Buganda (1966 – 1986), led to the collapse of the infrastructure, social services and the decay of morals and values. Buganda, like many other areas that had traditional and cultural institutions, lost her Kingdom status as well as her cherished cultural development, guidance and leadership. Traditional values including hard work were seriously affected. This coupled with the brain drain that ensued, crippled the economy causing hunger, poverty, disease, ignorance, crime, and despair among the majority of the society.
Origins of the Baganda people
A community in pre-colonial Buganda
at war. Buganda was an arena of civil wars fuelled by political
ambitions by religious sects and foreigners.
Buganda, like her neighbours, had a proud history extending back
centuries before the arrival of the Arabs and Europeans. The ruling
dynasty of kings was established in the mid-14th century AD.
Unfortunately, the lack of a written history prior to the arrival of the
Arabs and Europeans makes it difficult to establish important dates
with precision. The first acknowledged king in this dynasty was called
Kato Kintu. Since Kintu’s reign, there have been 36 kings including to
the current King, Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II.The region known today as Buganda was known as Muwaawa before the 12th century, a name literary seem to mean a place that is sparsely populated. It is believed that these people come from Abyssinia through the rift valley and the mountains of Elgon.
These people were organized into groups that had a common ancestry and constituted the most important unit in Buganda’s culture – the clan. The leader of each of these clans would be a chief and ruled a section of the territory. There were five original clans referred to as Banansangwa simply meaning the indigenous clans and they are: Ffumbe, Lugave, N’onge, Njaza and Nyonyi. These continued to expand, reaching upto 52 clans by 1966.
King Mutesa, the Kabaka of Buganda,
who ruled from 1856 to 1884. Mutesa maintained Buganda’s power during
three turbulent decades
Although these people spoke the same language and had the same
culture, the clans were not entirely autonomous. There was no organized
system of governance in the region but the clans were ruled over by The
Bataka. There was no accepted general leader in the region but
leadership passed on to whoever proved his might in the battle field.
Muwaawa become Buganda during the reign of
Ssekabaka Kintu the first when he took over from Bemba. By this time,
the head of the Ffumbe clan was called Buganda Ntege Walusimbi who had
leadership over other clans. Walusimbi had several children including
Makubuya, Kisitu, Wasswa Winyi, and Kato Kintu. When Walusimbi died, his
son Makubuya replaced him as ruler. On his death, Makubuya in turn was
replaced by his brother Kisitu as ruler. During Kisitu’s reign, a
renegade prince called Bbemba came from the area of Kiziba in northern
Tanzania today and established his camp at Naggalabi, Buddo from there
he planned to fight Kisitu and replace him as ruler of Muwaawa. Bemba
became so cruel and ruthless. When Bbemba attacked Kisitu, Kisitu became
so intimidated and in his fear, he vowed to give his chair Ssemagulu to
whoever would succeed in killing off Bemba whereby Ssemagulu was the
symbol of authority. On hearing his brother’s vow, Kintu gathered some
followers from among his brothers and some of the various clans and
attacked Bemba.
King Mutesa Mukabya of Uganda -The great ‘Kabaka’ who had 85 wives and fathered 96 children. (circa 1862)
Bemba was defeated in the ensuing battle
and he was beheaded by one Nfudu of the Lugave clan. Nfudu quickly took
Bbemba’s head to Kintu, who in turn took it to Kisitu. On seeing
Bbemba’s head, Kisitu abdicated his throne in favor of Kintu with the
words that “Kingship is earned in battle”. Despite his abdication,
Kisitu wanted to retain leadership of the Ffumbe clan, so he told Kintu
to start his own clan. He also told Kintu that the kingdom should be
renamed Buganda in memory of their common ancestor Buganda Ntege
Walusimbi. Thus the royal clan came into existence by separated from the
Ffumbe clan. Kintu established a new system of governance in alliance
with the other clan leaders. Although there is no written literature,
the information has passed on from generation to generation in oral form
and the above version has been widely accepted as the most viable
Kintu then called for a general meeting for all the clan leaders who met at Magonga in Busujju on Nnono hill and formed a united government with Kintu as their leader. This meeting was of great historic significance for it was at this meeting that Buganda’s form of governance, and the relationship between the clans and the King was formally agreed upon. The agreement was not written down but it constituted an understanding between the clans that has been followed since then. In essence it set down Buganda’s Constitution.
On completing his victory, Kintu
established his palace at Nnono. It is here that he appointed his first
government and awarded chieftaincies to his prominent followers. For
this reason, Nnono is one of the most important cultural and historical
sites in Buganda.
King Mutesa II of Buganda
Buganda today
The Baganda had no King for over 27 years until 1993 when the
current King of Buganda, Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II (son of Mutesa
II) was restored as a cultural leader without political powers. The
lineage of succession has not been broken for over 700 years.
Stuck with tradition: King (Kabaka of Buganda) Ronnie and his wife, Queen Sylvia
The Kabaka, is held in high esteem and
commands great respect and authority among the Baganda (and among all
Ugandans). The King uses his authority to mobilize people for
development to ensure that the people of Buganda are united and are
engaged in hard and productive work to uplift their social and economic
well being. The years after the restoration of Kabakaship have had
significant impact on the unity and social economic development of
Buganda. The long forgotten “Bulungi Bwansi” (self-help spirit) is
slowly returning to the people because of the Kabaka’s encouragement.
Baganda Culture
When it comes to religion, the Baganda believed in superhuman spirits in the form of mizimu, misambwa and Balubaale. The Balubaale were believed to have been men whose exceptional attributes in life were carried over into death. The mizimu were believed to be ghosts of dead people for it was believed that only the body would die and rot but the soul would still exist as omuzimu (singular of mizimu). Such ghosts were believed to operate at the family level to haunt whoever the dead person had grudge with. If the mizimu entered natural objects, they were believed to become misambwa. At another level, the mizimu could become tribal figures and also be known as Balubaale.The supreme being among the Baganda was the creator, Katonda, believed to have had neither children nor parents.The name, meaning creator of all things and Lord of Creation indicates that he was recognized to be superior to all, and was referred to as “the father of the gods.’ He was said to have created the heavens and the earth with all that they contain. Katonda was however, not believed to be very different from the other Balubaale. In fact he was believed to be one of the seventy-three Balubaale in Buganda. There were three temples for Katonda in Buganda and all of them were situated in Kyaggwe under the care of priests from the Njovu clan. However, little was known of this supreme god and he was not expected to intervene routinely in human affairs.
The clan system plays an important role in the social life of the Baganda.
i) The protection of the Ganda culture is in many ways incumbent on the clans. The general passing on of culture and tradition to the succeeding generations is a fundamental responsibility of the clans. The fear of shaming or letting down, not only the immediate family but, the whole clan is a very important motivation encouraging the individual Baganda to respect their culture.
ii) The sustenance of the kingship is made possible by the clan system. Traditionally, each clan had several roles to play in that respect. This was the case with every function surrounding the kingship right from his enthronement, housing, transportation, feeding, clothing, the palace maintenance, etc. Naturally, some of those responsibilities continue to be played by the clans but in more or less a symbolic manner.
ii) The social security provided by the clan particularly in times of bereavement and, that heart warming sense of belonging to a large family are inestimable services. iii) The general discipline underlying many of the dos and don’ts, the things we must do and those we must not do are embedded in the clan system. The key examples are the taboos surrounding the totem; but also the homage to be paid to the clan elders. For instance, final funeral rites must be performed within the clan circle, in accordance with the clan code and not simply within the immediate family. The awareness created by belonging to the clan system, lays useful basic foundations for the individual members for the acceptance of social discipline in the larger community.
Baganda Marriage, Costumes, Food and Dance
Although the Ganda (Baganda) have long regarded marriage as a central aspect of life, their marriage ceremonies have traditionally been relatively simple (save for those of the Kabaka ).The traditional term for marriage was jangu enfumbire (come cook for me). This symbolized the prevailing authority patterns in the typical household. In centuries past, the parents initiated marriage for their children by choosing spouses for them without so much as obtaining consent from the children. Over time, however, boys started choosing their own mates with the approval of parents, with due diligence to avoid courting relatives and people with undesirable family and social traits.
The staple food of the Baganda is
matooke, a plantain (a tropical fruit in the banana family). It is
steamed or boiled and commonly served with groundnut (peanut) sauce or
meat soups. Sources of protein include eggs, fish, beans, groundnuts,
beef, chicken, and goats, as well as termites and grasshoppers in
Baganda have three predominant dances; Bakisimba, Muwogola and
Nankasa all inspired by their daily life. All Kiganda dances involve a
flawless `circular’ movement of the waist and a tip toeing movement of
the feet plus hands spread out from the shoulder joint but bent forward
or up words at the elbow joint depending on the type of dance. The dance
moves or patterns are dictated by the lyrics or song meaning but mostly
by the tempo of the song.
In all, the Baganda are a very complex
society and this post covers a tiny fraction of their rich history,
belief systems and customs. The reality is that they are, even today, a
people who are proud of their background, and they take every chance to
practice their customs – from birth, initiation, marriage and even
death, all under the leadership of their royal King, the Kabaka.
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