PITCH Call for Proposals: Lobby and Advocacy to Expand HIV Combination Prevention in Southern Africa

With this call, PITCH aims to support civil society organizations
and networks to effectively engage in and shape the regional HIV
prevention agenda in Southern Africa. Organizations that meet the
definitions and criteria set by this call for proposals are invited to apply for a grant to support the proposed activities for three years (2018-2020).
Objective & Strategies
The proposed regional program should
contribute to the following objective: Civil Society is more effective
and coordinated in accelerating and shaping the HIV prevention agenda in
Southern Africa, and should cater to one or more of five of the key
populations that are the focus of the PITCH program: Adolescent girls
and young women, LGBTI, sex workers, people who use drugs, youth. PITCH strongly supports self-led organisations to apply.
Organisations submitting a proposal are
expected to pursue one or more of the following strategies in the
proposed regional program:
- Organisations already engaging in regional HIV prevention processes will mobilise and support relevant stakeholders to inform and shape HIV prevention priorities, targets and budgets at regional and national level. This will involve sharing information, sub granting and building capacity about regional HIV prevention data, tools or best practices.
- Organisations will influence the regional and national prevention agendas, based on strategic For instance by advocating for a renewed SADC HIV and AIDS strategic framework which would translate the AU catalytic framework and the Prevention Roadmap into regional policy.
- The regional program will improve coordination of identified processes, exchange knowledge at local, national and regional level, and improve inclusiveness and leadership of civil society.
- The regional program will lobby and advocate for increased (domestic) funding for (and consensus building on) HIV-prevention; the expansion of community based programs and; increased domestication of current donor-driven programs.
- The regional program will link the national level to regional and global policy, and vice versa.
Grant Information
- Budgets should be submitted in Euros. The total available budget for this Call for proposals is € 650.000.
- PITCH aims to support 2 to 3 programs. For each proposal, a total grant of minimum €100.000 and maximum €400.000 is available, for the duration of three years.
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicant is a registered organisation or network but they can work in partnership with non-registered organisations. Proposals by individuals will not be taken into consideration for funding;
- The applicant is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation or network;
- The applicant is based in one or more countries in sub-Saharan Africa;
- The applicant has a track record on catering for and meaningfully involving one or more of the following key populations: Adolescent girls & young women, LGBTI, sex workers, people who use drugs and/or youth;
- The applicant has access to regional platforms and the ability to influence regional policies.
How to Apply
Interested applicants must apply online via given website.
Eligible Countries: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
For mo0re information, please visit Call for Proposals.
Deadline: 8 January 2018
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