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Tanzania:Tanzanians believe corruption rate is lower

 Corruption in Tanzania has declined in the  two years with President John Magufuli leadership as compared with five years ago.
According to Twaweza report of  The Untouchables? Tanzanians’ Views and Experiences of Corruption  shows that 90% of Tanzania from the sample corrected they believe there is high decline of corruption compared to the past two years ago, most respondent where from mainland who collected around july and june. Despite this the number of people  who had to give  bribe for job has risen to 2% from 2014-2017.
The police and courts still lead in corruption, with 39 per cent saying they were asked for a bribe in their last interaction with the police and 36 per cent in the courts.
But, fewer than 20 per cent report being asked for a bribe in sectors like land, health and water. The people who were forced to give a bribe over land issues dropped from 32 per cent in 2014 to 18 per cent this year.While in Tanzania Revenue Authority  drop  from 25% to 5% in 2017

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