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 It should be noted only that there is a period here in Africa, There were no religions that we have today.Africans had their own traditional  religion. Thus the intervention of these religions was carried out in different periods and in many ways. For today we start with Christianity * European history states that, when the Roman Empire spread throughout Europe, there was a community known as the Phoenicians (Phonecian) or carthaginian, where they are now (Tunisian ) dominating several parts of the Mediterranean Sea.                                                                                                                         The historians say that the Phoenicians could reach the Mediterranean Sea and manage some of the trading centers in the Iberian peninsula now Spanish and Portugal, and they are the first people to discover all the alphabet. In the meantime, these people  fought a lot of wars including Punic and Sicily. The war of Sicily in 400-300 years it was between Phoenecian and the Greece, fighting for Sicily, which today is one of the cities in Italy, but the end of this war on Greece won the battle, in  300 years.The Greece had solid forces, as shown on300 film releases, Spartacus and Hercules, which are the films that give you an image of the Greek Army at the time.                                     Afterwards, there was a Punic War 260-100years , history states that the Punic War took place three times at a different time, The first Punic War 264-224years, the Second Battle of Punic 218 - 203years and the Third War of Punic 149 -100 years and from then on the Roman Empire was established in Africa and then the Christian religion began in Africa. And for the first time Christianity entering Africa and Carthage is the first part of the establishment of this religion, And because this religion had political power. So there was some part of it that became the religion of governance. But it should be noted that at all times, the Islamic religion had not yet reached Africa until the seventh 7th century,  in the 620AD years, immediately after the Prophet Muhammad spreads the beliefs and philosophies of the Islamic world on earth and in general

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