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British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund: Seeking Applications for Small Grant Program

Cultural Protection Fund (CPF) is seeking applications for its Small Grant Program to help create sustainable opportunities for social and economic development through building capacity to foster, safeguard and promote cultural heritage in conflict-affected countries.
The Fund will support efforts to keep cultural heritage sites and objects safe, as well as supporting the recording, conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. It will also provide opportunities to local communities for training and education, enabling and empowering them in the long term to value, care for and benefit from their cultural heritage.
Areas of Interest
  • archaeological sites and monuments;
  • collections of objects, books or documents in museums, libraries or archives;
  • historic buildings;
  • cultural traditions such as stories, festivals, crafts, music, dance and costumes;
  • histories of people, communities, places and events;
  • the heritage of languages and dialects; and
  • people’s memories and experiences (often recorded as ‘oral history’).
Funding Information
Applicants to the Small Grants funding stream may apply for grants up to £100,000 for projects lasting up to two years.
Geographical Scope
Applications must relate directly to one or more of the Fund’s current target countries:
  • Afghanistan
  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Iraq
  • Occupied Palestinian Territories
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Yemen
Eligibility Criteria
  • Cultural Protection Fund is designed with applications from UK-registered organisations in mind; however, any organisation may apply.
  • Sole traders are not eligible to apply.
  • Applications must be submitted by one lead applicant organisation with up to eight partner organisations.
  • Lead applicant organisations based outside the target countries must deliver the project in partnership with at least one partner organisation based within the Fund’s target countries.
  • Applications must demonstrate intent to benefit one or more of the Fund’s 12 target countries as their main aim.
  • The Cultural Protection Fund is targeted at areas in conflict-affected countries (mentioned above) where the need is greatest, the risks are lowest and the potential benefits are highest.
How to Apply
To confirm suitability, applicant organisations must first complete online Expression of Interest form via given website.

 Deadline: 8 January 2018

 For more information, please visit Small Grant Program.

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