Zimbabwe government is overseeing the return of a white farmer to land
that was seized from him at gunpoint, in what it hailed as a sign of the
new president’s “inclusiveness”. Emmerson Mnangagwa current President of Zimbabwe
Rob Smart, 71, whooped with joy this week when he was told that he
can return to his farm in eastern Zimbabwe – the only home he has ever
He and his family, including his
young grandchildren and many of their workers, were evicted at gunpoint
from their farm in the east of the country nearly six months ago by
several gangs loyal to former first lady Grace Mugabe.
Former president Robert Mugabe, 93. was forced to resign last month
after 37 years in power after a coup d’etat, in which he was succeeded
by his former ally Emmerson Mnangagwa.
Mr Mugabe supported land invasions from 2000 which saw about 4,000
white farmers evicted, sometimes violently. Mr Smart told Reuters that
Mr Mnangagwa, personally oversaw his return after he heard about the
“Apparently Mnangagwa saw that and flipped his lid,” Mr Smart said.
One of those who engineered the invasion was Bishop Trevor Manhanga, who
leads a church known as the Pentecostal Assemblies of Zimbabwe.
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Mr Smart
said the “Bishop” tried to prevent him from meeting ruling Zanu PF
politicians loyal to Mr Mnangagwa, in Harare earlier in the week. Bishop
Manhanga previously confirmed he had been “allocated” Mr Smart’s farm.
He did not answer his phone on Thursday.
Mutsvangwa, an adviser to Mr Mnangagwa, said: “Land reform is over. Now
we want inclusiveness. All citizens who had a claim to land by
birthright, we want them to feel they belong and we want them to build a
new country because this economy is shattered.”
“We were cheered when we told the people we were going home to our
farm,” Mr Smart said. “We were very emotional. We have been warned our
return may take a few days as police have to clear out those who took
the farm. “We know our houses have been trashed and stuff like our
fridge was taken, but that’s ok. We have to raise some money and we will
plant potatoes as soon as we can.
ZIMBABWE :White farmers to get land back in Zimbabwe
December 09, 2017
Rating: 5
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