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Iran will keep building missiles, Rouhani says

Iran's missile program is not in breach of its nuclear deal and will continue despite objections from the United States, President Hassan Rouhani said Sunday.
"We will build, produce and store any weapon of any kind we need to defend ourselves, our territorial integrity and our nation, and we will not hesitate about it," he said.
"Understand that we have been building missiles, and will continue to do so and this does not contradict any of international laws and it is not in conflict with Resolution 2231. We will continue to defend our national interests and security with all our might, and the enemies should know that violation of any agreement will be detrimental to them, and the Islamic Republic of Iran will give them a decisive answer."
Trump's decision to decertify the JCPoA agreement did not amount to canceling the agreement, but rather gave Congress 60 days to decide whether to reimpose sanctions against Iran, a move that could leave the United States in violation of the deal.
The International Atomic Energy Agency, American allies and the US government all have said Tehran is complying with the official pact. Britain, Germany, France and the EU said they would stand by the deal and urged Congress "to consider the implications to the security of the US and its allies before taking any steps that might undermine the JCPoA."

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