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Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta after sworn for second term of his leadership,he has announced that for A frican who wishes to visit Kenya they will be given arrival visas only, apart from that he added by saying that all East Africa members the will only require ID to live in Kenya, own properties and  work without any work permit.This has done so so as  to boost  integration among Africans as far as Pan -Africanism is concerned .During his speach, President Uhuru Kenyatta insisted “I will work with you, my brothers, the leaders of the East African Community, to bring a renewed energy and optimism to our union. Together, we can deliver the peace and prosperity for which our citizens are crying out; divided, we will struggle to realise the full potential of our people,” said the President.
The President thanked Kenya’s friends in the International community for standing with the country during its times of need and in its pursuit for growth.
“Kenya is a proud member of the community of nations, and we will always work hard to remain a force for good. We will continue to strengthen our economic ties and bilateral and multilateral relations,” said President Kenyatta.With this regard of free integration it will help to counter cut political balkanization as hence facilitate people interaction among Africa and worldwide at large. 
He said embracing African brotherhood will act as a counter against the political balkanization that risks Africa’s mutual security and the negative politics of identity.

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