Al-Shabab attacks on last tuesday led to the death of two Police Officers and other injured as they escorting passenger buses from Lamu to Mombasa . The escorted buses were travelling along Lamu -Malindi Road located at East African Coast.Coast police boss, Larry Kieng said Police Vehicle attacked by armed men dressed in Military jungle uniform who were mistakenly believed to be members of Kenya Defence Forces(KDF).This is make a continuous attack after the end of August two passengers of a lorry were executed by Al
Shabaab. Their vehicle was sprayed by bullets at Gamba near Nyongoro in
Witu, Lamu West. During the attack, the attackers also bombed and
destroyed an electric pylon belonging to Kenya Power company within
Along the coast of Lamu currently is said to be insecure due to the presence of serious attacks by Al-Shabab, KDF helicopters were subsequently seen patrolling the area as security personnel pursued the attackers.
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