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After long way of political turmoil Uhuru Kenyatta has been sworn for second term of presidential post for Kenyans which he may last for five years to come.This comes after the re-election which held and made him to win by 98% of the vote despite of two candidates oppose the results and went to cost and later court upheld his result.The first election was in august due to irregularities it was nullified under Chief justice of   Supreme Court  honorable David Malaga .Meanwhile, the opposition coalition attempted to gather for a "memorial rally" to honour the more than 50 people killed, mostly by security forces, in four months of political violence but it lead to violence and tear gas involved to disperse NASA supporters.President Uhuru kenyatta is facing a big challenge on uniting people who were seemed to apart due election issues apart from re-building the economy which was going down due to political turmoil.
President Uhuru faces the challenge of uniting Kenyans and jump-starting the economy
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President Uhuru faces the challenge of uniting Kenyans and jump-starting the economy
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