Robert Mugabe on left(President) and Emmerson Mnangagwa on right (vice president) |
Zimbabwe's President has has removed his vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa from his office due to the fact of persistently exhibited traits of disloyalty, disrespect, deceitfulness
and unreliability according to the minister of Information Simon Khaya Moyo. Mugabe’s dramatic move came after a weekend of high drama between
Mnangagwa and Grace whereby Grace called mr.Mnangagwa sa coup ploter and coward that led also to bad picture on ZANU PF part, as the result President RobertMugabe appeared to rebuke publicly to his vice President.Other side of the coin this could create another side political atmosphere as far as successors of President Robert Mugabe is concerned. Below is the attached letter which released today November/06/2017.
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