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Raping incidence in DRC

Sexual violence has seen to be high in eastern Congo especial raping this is due to supernatural belief, that raping of young children will confer supernatural protection .
About 48 women are raped in the Democratic republic of Congo every hour, a study has claimed.
The study, due to be published in the American Journal of Public Health in June, found sexual abuse was rampant not only in conflict areas but also in the home, with nearly one woman subjected to some form of sexual abuse every minute.Different rights group are trying to take their action on this but still there is high corruption and insecurities to right group from top officials who led this movement.Rights groups hope some trials to top officials could help to end up this mannerism.Some of trials opened in militia court in Kivumu for some top officials such as Frederic Batumike, a deputy of southern Kivu Province who was alleged to have a led on sexual harassment.“The start of the trial is a strong signal in the fight against impunity,” said Kijana(member of rights group). However, he added that the delay to proceedings did raise fears that the trial could end up just being “yet another in a long list of botched trials”.
Due to that case many rights groups and its activists are working at sweat manner so as to end up this violence despite of hard environment they meet in Congo.

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