Tanzania is among the sub-saharan countries that geared much in fighting of malaria.Many projects has been established in help of malaria infection such as Mama mjamizito and chandarua,(Free giving of mosquito net to expectant mothers) and other campaign in fighting of malaria infection.Still there is a work to do on fight against malaria that is growth of mosquito  larva destruction.It is tedious work and expensive to destroy larva growth since their population is large and at large scale, with that  Aberystwyth University and Tanzania's Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Programme have joined a partnership on an initiative drones survey on malaria hot zones areas  as well as water laden areas where mosquito are likely to breed .This technology can cover identification of prones areas and spry of the areas to kill the mosquito larva .Despite that there is a concern that  drones might interfere  local activities such as wildlife and people, but according to innovators of this program they said it will be guided by smartphones and hence prevent clashes with ecosystem.So long as that happens, it might be possible to virtually wipe out malaria in entire neighborhoods without having to spend a fortune or waste valuable hours hence create malaria free generation.