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History states that the most famous inhabitants of the Unguja and Pemba Islands are people from Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya and other parts of the continent of Africa, especially those in the Indian Ocean. Referring to the texts of the Egyptians and Greeks who arrived in East Africa before the 1000th anniversary of the year. They talk about black people (people) who found them on the islands and even the first Arabs who reached the 600th century (BM or BK). They found black people (people) with their cities and their lives in general. Here it should be known, any societies have reached East Africa very long before the arrival of foreigners in East Africa. There were many towns that continued before the Arabs came. The town like Kilwa, is one of the cities you grew up before 600 years (Islamic period and Christianity enter East Africa). It is known that the first humans to establish their eastern Africa are Arabs who have reached up to 749-1000 years. And later in the 1400s they came to Portugal. The latter came again the Arabs who ruled from east Africa until the 1890's, which is the time for the coming of other European Nations and colonial establishment. Maybe there is a need for a little understanding of the war between the Arabs and the Portuguese. The situation was this, in the 1624's there was one chief ruler of the Omani at that time, he was known as Nasir Bin Murshidi. He started a war with Portuguese in Oman and succeeded in eliminating them. For all time the Portuguese had overlooked all areas of the East African coast. Thus the Arabs decided to establish war in eastern Africa with a view to removing Portugal in the year 1652. At the end of the Arabian day they conquered the war and occupied all eastern parts of Africa except the Unforgettable areas where Portugal was left to occupy and occupy. Thus until the mid-1690's, the Arabs succeeded in managing the areas of Unguja, Mombasa, Kilwa and other cities in the areas of the East African coast. For the whole period in the Oman Region, they used the Messengers as representatives representing those areas. In the 1700-1800s, in Oman there were many conflicts on the part of the Soviet Union. And the conflicts were quite exactly what period the father of Sultan Sayyid Said was as a ruler. And immediately after the So-called Sultan Sultan Sayyid Said, there was a dramatic change. Great is the transfer of the rule from Oman to Zanzibar 1830-1840. And it should be noted that there was always a slave trade (which was done by French and other European countries without forgetting Asian countries too) and a large number of people (Zanzibar) were going to Zanzibar as slaves.Slaves were working on homework, in the fields and in small-scale industries. Some Arabs were marrying Africans who were going to Zanzibar and even in the Oman and bearing children. So the existing tribes in Unguja and Pemba are a mixture of different people. That is why we can say that it is a generation that comes from interacting with communities from different sources. And it should be noted that here in the world black people come from Africa only and not elsewhere and found outside of Africa due to slave trade  as described from above.

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