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President Robert Mugabe after been sacked from his position in ZANU-PF,he has been given 24hours to step down after 37 years of leadership.President Robert Mugabe who is 93 by age, has been into power since in the independence of the Zimbabwe from British colony .President Robert Mugabe has spent 10 years in jail before becoming the first prime minister of now known as Zimbabwe .His 37 power broken down like an chicken egg falling down, this was due to loss of support from military after sacking his vice president,Mr.Emmerson Mnangagwa and planned to install his wife Grace Mugabe as vice president and later to be the president of Zimbabwe, this outraged many members of ZANU-PF and the military at large.The ruling party decision made after central meeting today is to install Mr.Emmerson Mnangagwa to succeed Mr. Robert Mugabe from his position and later on to  lead the party into elections – or head a transitional government including members of the opposition.
 Robert Mugabe his leadership and long struggles has been turn into old aged tears after lost a support from both side of the coin.President Mugabe will be remembered by his strengths against his nation and Africa at large as well as his weakness in various matters of his nation.

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