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Zimbabwe ruling party had central meeting, which had 245 members from the central committee has made the following decisions on some of the members of ZANU PF,removing president Robert Mugabe as party leader and first secretary of Zanu PF apart from removing Vice president Phelekezela Mphoko from his position,while the former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa appointed as party leader.Hence President Robert Mugabe will be just an ordinary member of Zanu-PF.Below are names which banned for life:
  • Saviour Kasukuwere, Minister of Local Government, banned for life.
  • Ignatius Chombo, Minister of Finance, banned for life.
  • Patrick Zhuwao, Minister of Public Services, banned for life.
  • Walter Mzembi, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • Grace Mugabe, First Lady, banned for life.
  • Phelekezela Mphoko, Vice President, banned for life
  • Jonathan Moyo, Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, banned for life.
  • Eunice Sandi-Moyo
  • Sarah Mahoka.
  • Tongai Kasukuwere.
  • Xavier Kasukuwere
  • Shadreck Mashayamombe.
  • Anastacia Ndlovu.
  • Paul Chimedza, Minister of State For Masvingo Province.
  • Mandi Chimene, Minister of State For Manicaland Province.
  • Makhosini Hlongwane, Minister of Sports.
  • Samuel Undenge, Minister of Energy.
  • Innocent Hamandishe, Youth League  National Commissar.
  • Kudzanai Chipanga, Secretary for Zanu-PF Youth League
  • Leticia Undenge.
This comes from constitution of ZANU-PF section 75which state that  "Any member of the Party who has been found guilty of any disciplinary offences prescribed by the Constitution , rules and regulations shall be liable to any one or more of the following punishments":
(1) Oral reprimand;
(2) Written reprimand;
(3) A fine;
(4) Suspension or removal from holding any of the offices in the Party;
(5) Expulsion from membership of the Party.

Despite that members can appeals the decisions made  but any appeal against the decision of the Provincial Disciplinary Committee shall be lodged with the Chairman of the National Disciplinary Committee within sixty days of the decision of the Provincial Disciplinary Committee 'and such appeal shall be heard and disposed of by the National Disciplinary Committee within 90 days of noting of the appeal.


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