The do’s and don’ts of cleaning the "v"
Despite of self cleaning mechanism, the most sensitive part of cleanses for a woman is apple part("V"). There are these assumption as far as woman cleanness is concerned:
- At face value, poor feminine hygiene would mean a lady who cleans less or never cleans at all.
- However, what comes to mind when you hear ‘unhygienic woman’? What part of ‘her’ body would you castigate first?
Here is what the professionals say
Before and after intimacy
If you have never cleaned your v-area before intimacy, then you have been perpetuating infections against you and potentially against other people. According to Valentine Nyakiere, a personal hygiene specialist, spouses are supposed to clean their private parts before getting intimate. This will prevent transmission of infections – bacterial, fungal and viral.
Both man and woman should have a towel to be used exclusively for this and “not with any other part of the body to avoid transmission of germs from other parts to the intimate parts where they can cause infections,” Nyakiere says.
Cleaning should be done with water. For the v-area, no soap – or chemical – should be applied while cleaning. Clean water alone is enough. After intimacy, secretions create optimum conditions for germs to thrive. “Such secretions are usually sterile but mix up with bacteria when in contact with mucous membranes and the skin.
It therefore becomes necessary that after intimacy, a woman ejects the fluid out through kegel exercises and then clean the v-area with clean water, “Douching (washing out the inside of the v-area with a mixture of water and vinegar or other commercial preparation) is not healthy at all.” After intercourse the v-area is prone to micro cuts that make easy routes for infections to go through.
During menstruation
Every month, a woman releases an egg from the ovaries. If the egg is fertilised then pregnancy occurs. If not, the shedding of blood – menstruation – occurs. This is a natural mechanism of the reproductive system cleaning itself in preparation for the next cycle which could possibly end with a pregnancy.
That is how she sees it. In other words, there is nothing so unusual with menstruation that warrants 10 baths in a day or over consciousness about hygiene. A woman can simply clean as usual – with clean water. Soap can be applied on the groin area but not inside.There is nothing special to be done afterwards except that she has to wear a pad or a tampon. At least one shower in 24 hours is hygienic. One bath is enough but there is no harm with showering twice or thrice.”
It is however important that sanitary wear is changed as soon as they are fully soaked. This is because a full sanitary towel promotes thriving of germs, and this will lead to bad odour and infection. The good news is that there is nothing unhygienic about intimacy during menstruation.It is perfectly normal and even better for lubrication. There are no health implications whatsoever.
The right underwear
The right underwear is the kind that allows the v-area to ‘breathe.Natural fabrics like cotton and silk are the best.Underwear made from synthetic materials tend to trap heat and moisture; a scenario that increases flourishing of germs and hence precipitating infections. Underwear should ideally be fitting. Anything too tight may cause impingement of nerves by cutting off circulation – which is also unhealthy.”
For those with a penchant for G-strings, or thongs, you may need to consider how often you adorn such.The string on such kind of underwear is effective conduit for germs to move from the back area to the front, causing infections like urinary tract infections. “G-strings once in a while are relatively safe but not under daily use.
When nursing an already existing infection
What do you do when you notice a possible infection? Report for gynaecological check-up, right? Gynaecologist, would be the only right course of action. “It is important that the infection is rightfully diagnosed before any treatment can commence.
Even the kind and mode of cleaning will depend on the extent of the infection and if there are any open wounds visible. It would however be safe to say that washing with clean water would suffice. An active infection should however be handled by a doctor who can give proper directions afterwards. Would be safe to have sex while an infection is active? “No.” “We need to avoid the spread of such an infection and monitor the patient’s health first before any intercourse can happen.”
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