Breaking News

ZIMBABWE:EX- Vice President of Zimbawe Arrested

 Ex-Vice President of Zimbabwe Phelekezela Mphoko has  been captured by Botswana government and handled to Zimbabwe Defence security  Forces.This comes after the military took care of Zimbabwe government ,Mr.Mphoko was said to be in Japan,when the military restore power to the interim government Mr. Mphoko was ordered to return to Zimbabwe but instead he refused and returned from Japan and go direct to Botswana where he had business interests.The Botswana government ordered him to leave by 1st of December but he was seemed not to leave , Immigration officers of Botswana captured him and returned to Zimbabwe military hand  according to Professor Moyo, Former Zimbabwe Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko is arrested by “impeccable sources”. Stay tuned for this.....

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