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ZIMBABWE:ZANU-PF congress a one-day affair?

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front says its congress has been reduced to a one-day affair on December 15 but in effect it will still start on 12 December when the party’s politburo meets.
Party spokesman Simon Khaya Moyo said the politburo meeting will be followed by a central committee meeting the following day while 14 December and 16 December have been set as travelling days.
The special congress, which it seems will be turned into an ordinary congress, was called for by the G40 faction which wanted to get rid of Emmerson Mnangagwa who is now the country’s President.
ZANU-PF wants to set it as an ordinary congress to align congress to national elections and avoid the anomaly that started with the 2008 harmonised elections where the party held its congress a year after elections instead of before elections as previously.
It will also endorse the expulsions from the party of the G40 cabal that includes Grace Mugabe, Phelekezela Mphoko, Jonathan Moyo, Saviour Kasukuwere, Kudzanai Chipanga, Ignatius Chombo and Mandi Chimene.
The central committee of 19 November expelled 20 party members but only five were recalled from Parliament.

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