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LIBERIA: The land of Freedom.

When the major European countries settled to divide the Africa continent in 1884-1885, Liberia had already declared itself a free country and republic, 38 years before and certified by the UK. Thus, Liberians like Ethiopia are African countries that have not been converted to the colonies of Europeans. In 1816, former head of the University of Georgia, USA, a native of South Africa Robert Finley, embarked on the idea of ​​forming a colonial society in the American Colonization Society (ACS).Finley died in 1817 before the program started but was developed.
In 1821-1822 (19th Century), American Americans who were slaves in the US, were released and led to the West African Coast to form a colony of the US colony. When the slaves arrived in Africa, their central station became Liberia (Land of Freedom). However, Liberia already had its inhabitants living in ethnic groups that moved from the 13th Century to the Sudan (Songhai Empire), Mali and other parts of Africa. The Kimende community with the tribes of Dei, Kru, Bassa, Gola, Grebi, Gio and Kissi are the first people to live in Liberia. 

 The  Liberian immigrants came to Liberia, and they felt that they had great status, dominated the inhabitants, overthrew the land, converted slaves to farms and other productive activities. They spoke English, so they did not want to compare themselves with local people in their native languages. Initially, Americans from the Americas (Americo-Liberians), ruled the Liberians for the help of the US, but after succeeding in proving their sovereignty, Americo-Liberians declared Liberia an independent country in 1847 by the UK confirming, but the United States failed to accept this independence.  Since then, immigrants from the United States have been recognized as the upper class in the country and the inhabitants being oppressed. Local residents were denied even the right to vote for their leaders until 1946 under the leadership of President William Tubman, and local Librants were granted the right to vote constitutionally. There was a law prohibiting locals from the city to the city, President Tubman wiped out the law, thus enabling residents to be free from rural areas and to visit and live in urban areas where previously Americo-Liberians lived.  
In 1980, when Samuel Doe of the Krahn tribe rescued President William Tolbert, it was the end of the British regime originating in the United States. Doe worked hard to build infrastructure over all its predecessors, promoted economics and alienated from ethnic politics. The very few people from the Krahn tribe were the ones in the state, but most of them came from other tribes, including the Liberians who came from the United States.Still  opposers of Doe accused him of ethnicity, that his government had filled the Krahn people. These statements have continued every administration. From Amos Sawyer, Taylor to Sirleaf. However, Doe remains memorable by completing the Liberian regime, as he killed many members of the Whig party that carried the Americo-Liberians. Until now Liberia is ethnic, and if you want to rely on or supported by many tribes, especially those of the locals. However, more than 85 percent of the Liberians are Christians, if you want to get zero in the election, your name  identifies you as a Muslim,no one will vote for you, more you will regarded from Mali, Gabon, Gambia and the other.    


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