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KENYA: Tundu Lissu hits out at Tanzania opposition defectors

Fiery Tanzanian government critic Tundu Lissu, who survived an assassination attempt in September outside his Dodoma home.Speaking from recovery bed in Nairobi Hospital Kenya,the high ranking opposition members  recently joined CCM from Chadema are showing lack of principle in what they believe.
Mr. Lissu said  such desertions are due to political pressure and desire to reap personal benefits and not true solidarity  speaking with vivid example of Kafulila was initially in Chadema, then went to NCCR, then CCM, then joined Chadema, before going back to CCM. What can I say about such movements that show a lack of principle? I can only wish the defectors well but my loyalty to the cause remains steadfast,”  apart from Masha was originally in CCM and has returned  to his home land(CCM) the Singida East MP said.Mr Lissu also cited Dr Walid Kabur and Dr Wildfrod Silaa as further examples of what he termed “a long list of defectors” whose desertion was inconsequential.
“Despite the defections that have been ongoing since 1990, our party has still been gaining millions of followers, and these individuals’ departure has actually created space for more principled members to take their place,” he said.
“We should not be too quick to forget our history even as the defections occur. Politics has never existed without defectors and traitors to legitimate causes in Tanzania, Europe, America and beyond. People become impatient because the power they wanted is slow in coming their way, some are greedy for political and financial benefit and others simply lack a defined political stand and purpose,” the lawmaker said."The path to freedom is never easy and not paved with flowers and gold, but I'll stay the course until my people achieve their dreams and destiny," Mr Lissu said

He insist on Tanzanians to support him and the main opposition Chadema party in its quest to ensure the entrenchment of democracy, human rights and economic prosperity in society.
“Our supporters should not lose hope over incidents such as my attack, but should press on to ensure that we achieve our objective of accomplishing genuine reforms in Tanzania. The struggle has only just begun,” he said.
Currently the  main opposition part(CHADEMA) is facing a political turmoil after some of its members surrender and moves to the ruling part,(CCM) ,Some top members such as David kafulila ,Lawrence Masha,and yesterday Wema Sepetu (Miss Tanzania 2006)

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