Breaking News

NIGERIA:House of Boko haram to be a museum

The house of former leader of Boko Haram,Mohammed Yusufu will be converted to Museum ,speaking the minister of Home Affairs , information and Culture Dr. Mohammed Bulama,
“We are going to convert the house of the leader of the Boko Haram sect Mohammed Yusuf where the insurgency all started from, to a museum.
“The place is called Maarcas; we want to build a museum there where all the things that had happened relating to the insurgency will be archived.
“We want to document and archive all that had happened so that our future generation will be able to have first hand information,” he said.
 Mohammed yusuf  was killed in 2009 and his group continue with serious insecurity at Borno and other state of North east of Nigeria.Aapart from that Sembisa forest to be a game reserve for tourist attraction.
According to Bulama, Borno is very rich in culture and diversity; and the government would use the security situation in the State for tourism advantage.
Bulama said that the meeting in Dutse witnessed very robust contributions in form of memorandum presentations and intervention by participants and other stakeholders in the culture and tourism sectors.
He insist on work with all States and stakeholders to boost local tourism for employment generation and other economic advantages.

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