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ZIMBABWE: Military action was constitutional rules

The military take over that result of removal of Robert Mugabe was legal according to Judicial .
 A Zimbabwe High Court ruled Saturday that the military takeover that led to Robert Mugabe's ousting was legal, raising immediate concerns about judicial independence under the country's new administration.A military action were after the good of Zimbabwe and not otherwise.
High Court Judge George Chiweshe on Friday ruled that the military's actions "in intervening to stop the takeover" of Mugabe's constitutional functions "by those around him are constitutionally permissible and lawful."
 Judge continued to explain that, mitary actions geared on individuals that  commit crimes against the government a part from non-elected individuals do not exercise executive functions, an apparent reference to then-first lady Grace Mugabe, he added by saying firing of Vice President was  illegal .
This incidence occurred  overnight of Nov 14 whereby soldiers sent their tanks  in the street and taking the control of the state broadcaster. Later on lead to stepped of President Mugabe by impeachment and new leader honorable Emmerson Mnangagwa elected as new president for the interim government.

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